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Glass Art from Five Centuries

New Catalogue of Focke-Museum

In this richly illustrated volume, Dr. Uta Bernsmeier, head curator for applied art at the Focke Museum, presents 167 of the museum's outstanding exhibits. The glass collection in Bremen reflects European glass art from the Middle Ages to the second half of the 20th century and represents the museum's most valuable collection in terms of art and cultural history. The photographs by Martin Luther and Dirk Fellenberg impressively stage the beauty of glass: by means of light guidance and the alternation of sharpness and blurriness, the crystalline clarity, semi-transparency, opaque colorfulness, or the shining luster stand out. Meanwhile, Uta Bernsmeier's texts explain the history of glass art, the various techniques and decorations, and the changing forms. In addition, they tell the genesis of the collection itself.

Uta Bernsmeier
Glass Art from Five Centuries (German)
216 Pages
Focke-Museum, Bremer Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte
€ 29,-
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Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung
Karin und Uwe Hollweg Stiftung
Ehepaar Dr. Regina und Eberhard Bruss


Three Venetian Glasses
Gottfried Spiller, Goldruby-Goblet
Anton Kothgasser, two glasses
Two Venetian Glasses of Historicism (cover)
All photos: Luther & Fellenberg (