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Art Market + Businesses

Our members from the trade and business sector


Brutto Gusto, Berlin

Flower store and gallery


We have been dealing with glass art since 1978. In addition to recreations of historical glass vessels from museums, we have exhibited in over 100 exhibitions and permanently studio glass art. Since 2016, CCAA GLASGALERIE COLOGNE is an online gallery and shows current glass art at special places and fairs in irregular intervals.

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lorch + seidel contemporary

Schürenberg Kunsthandel, Aachen

The Art Gallery Schürenberg has been in business since 1975 and focuses on glass art from 1880 to the present day. The offer in our Aachen store is extensive and exquisite. We also take care of the marketing of your treasures and are happy to assist you with our expertise.

  • Mary Ann (Toots) Zynsky, Filet de verre Objekt, ca. 1990; René Lalique, Scarabée, ca 1909; Ercole Barovier, Parabolici, 1957 © Schürenberg Kunsthandel, Foto: Anne Gold
  • Mary Ann (Toots) Zynsky, Filet de verre Objekt, ca. 1990; René Lalique, Scarabée, ca 1909; Ercole Barovier, Parabolici, 1957 © Schürenberg Kunsthandel, Foto: Anne Gold
  • Mary Ann (Toots) Zynsky, Filet de verre Objekt, ca. 1990; René Lalique, Scarabée, ca 1909; Ercole Barovier, Parabolici, 1957 © Schürenberg Kunsthandel, Foto: Anne Gold


Bettina K. Schneider

Conservation & restoration of glass objects and chandeliers


Glashütte Lamberts Waldsassen, The Glassmaking Company

Since 1934, the Lamberts Glassworks has been producing mouth-blown flat glass, the original LambertsGlas. The manufactory, which still uses traditional glassmaking methods, has been inscribed on the Bavarian State List and the German Federal List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (Unesco).

  • Mundgeblasenes LambertsGlas © Glashütte Lamberts Vldsassen GmbH
  • Mundgeblasenes LambertsGlas © Glashütte Lamberts Vldsassen GmbH
  • Mundgeblasenes LambertsGlas © Glashütte Lamberts Vldsassen GmbH


Gustav van Treeck Munich – Studios for mosaic and architectural glass

The Gustav van Treeck workshops combine tradition and innovation: in collaboration with renowned artists, they create works of art in modern glass painting, glass sculptures, exclusive mosaics, works in float glass painting or fusing techniques, glass and mosaic restorations and reconstructions.


Dorotheenhütte Glashütte Wolfach

Mouthblown glassworks and glass museum in the Black Forest

Glasmanufaktur Harzkristall, Derenburg

In the glass manufactory visitors can learn everything about the creation and processing of the raw material glass, the history of the glassworks and watch the glassblowers practicing their traditional craft. Artists and designers have the opportunity to rent the glassworks and be assisted by glassmakers on site.

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